- 炙熱之魂
炙熱之魂:絕對無限-PSP美版代購 此商品為美國代購商品,採「代客訂購」服務!須從美國訂購來台,因此需要等待一段時間,到貨最快時間5天,正常為10天左右到貨,若遇上美國假期或海關驗貨則可能等至15天左右的到貨時間!(實際以班機到台時間為準) |
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‧Actions such as Chain, Charge, Hold, Original Skill, Chain Skill, Special Chain Skill, Break, Break Arts and Overkill are available during the battle ‧Position your forces on the battlefield and wait for the right moment to string together massive combo attacks using multiple party members - both in melee and at range ‧Blazing Souls gives the player plenty of fun elements like creating over 200 different items and skills! Players are given the ability to capture monsters and have them placed within the party ‧Players can choose in any order the way they proceed through game play. Search for towns and dungeons at the guild, explore uncovered areas, battle encountered enemies or watch animated events ‧Players now the battle map and adventure map are one and the same. What you do before battle affects the terrain, and vice-versa |
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